Sunday, 10 May 2009

Cheap tripod is better than no tripod

I think the first accessory I bought for photography after the camera was a tripod. I had no clue how serious I will be with photographing so I did not feel like investing in an expensive tripod. Instead, I bought the cheapest one.

My choice was a brand new Hama Star 63 and I paid around 12 pounds for it. After half a year usage it is still in one piece but I am somewhat fed up with it. As one might guess, it is not the lightest one. Most of the parts are made of cheap plastic and it is somewhat unstable no matter how much you tighten it.

But even this low level tripod allowed me to take photos which would have been impossible to take hand held. Long exposure shots became possible as well as light painting. I think a tripod is one of the most cost effective photography gear.

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